Built by female founders, for female founders.
Flexible, ongoing and customised support tailored to female entrepreneurs and founders in the early stages of venture creation
Targeted cohort sprints suited to different startup stages
Dedicated team of experienced founders, mentors and advisors to help you achieve your startup goals
TEKWOMEN QLD is an integrated agtech startup pathway that provides female agtech entrepreneurs and founders with the support and capabilities to build, grow and scale their Queensland-based agtech startups.
The pathway provides targeted cohort sprints, flexible learning options, dedicated female founder community and access to industry experts as female founders progress from early stage concepts and customer validation through to product development, customer acquisition and investment readiness.
Startup Studio
Accepting Expressions of Interest
Hybrid & flexible participation of both online and face to face
12-month incubator studio
Cohort based sprints targeting key business growth pillars such as product development, business model design, customer acquisition and funding
1:1 coaching, mentoring and advisory board sessions
Rapid sprints with investors
Face to face bootcamps and regional residencies
Stepping stone into more advanced accelerator programs with F2F
TEKWOMEN QLD is proudly supported by the Advance Queensland Initiative
A note from our founders
Multiple studies have identified the complex systemic problems creating barriers for women entering STEM-based careers with only 15% of STEM jobs in Australia held by women. In addition, only 22% of Australian startups are led by women.
But, the evidence is undeniable...female founders are a better bet. Agrifood-tech startups with at least one female founder deliver higher revenues, and 35% greater returns on investment dollars compared with their male counterparts in tech. In 2022 VC funding for female-led startups has dropped even further to 2.1%.
So what this tells us is there is still a lot of work to be done! As female founders of an agrifood-tech startup we are actively playing our role to support more women into agtech. Our programs are flexible and customised to specifically overcome some of these barriers and help more female agtech founders get the attention they deserve!