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A Farmer-led platform to Accelerate Adoption of Proven Agtech Solutions.

Market Development & Data

Our farmer-led F2F TEKFARM® platform connects broad acre farmers, livestock producers and graziers, growers and value chains in both agriculture and aqua to local and global technology solutions that are 'fit-for-purpose' and are proven to deliver real industry benefit right down at the individual farm level. 


We work closely with trusted advisors across Australia to ensure farmers are equipped with the knowledge, tools and confidence they need to select solutions that are the best fit for them.


We are building a large database to deliver data driven insights on the performance and impact of technologies on key global challenges which will ultimately lead to widespread adoption of solutions that work!


Work With Us




By developing your knowledge and skills in agtech you can offer even more value to your clients and play an active role in building drought resilience in the agricultural sector.​


Our TEKFARM training program equips you with the knowledge and tools to become recognised technology advisors.


Confidently guide your clients in choosing and implementing the right solutions for optimised farm performance and drought resilience.




If you are a farmer interested in technology for integration on your farm, but unsure how to get started, our process is simple. ​

We work with you to uncover problems and frustrations that could be solved with technology solutions. We then connect you with a selection of vetted technology providers and can take the pressure off your budget with subsidised purchase options.​

We will ensure you receive any necessary training, and continue to check in and support you after the technology has been implemented.


Technology Providers

Do you have a commercially ready solution that supports drought resilience of Australian farmers?


We can assist with increased awareness and uptake, connecting you with customers where your technology could make a real difference.​


At TEKFARM, we leverage our networks and deep industry expertise to provide insights, guidance and unique pathways for accelerated adoption of commercially ready agtech companies.

Building Drought Resilience

With support from the Future Drought Fund Farmers2Founders is delivering the TEKFARM platform across Australia with a focus on building drought resilience across multiple sectors in diverse geographies and production systems.   


We are currently facilitating the deployment of more than 25 commercial ready agtech solutions that are targeting significant drought resilience challenges in areas including soil health; water; and land management practices.


Involving both individual technologies and more sophisticated ‘tech stacks’ we are implementing the TEKFARM platform on 70+ farms in collaboration with a growing army of agtech advisors and industry partners to rigorously measure the benefits to individual farm businesses. 


Our ultimate goal is to accelerate the adoption of technologies and solutions that will prepare Australia’s agriculture and aqua value chains for a climate resilient future. 


Recent TEKFARM News

The Agtech Adoption Challenge


Clear Value Propositions

It can be difficult for farmers to understand how agtech can be practically applied to their specific farming operations, and what the benefits will be. 


At TEKFARM, we take the time to understand a producer/grower's, unique farming challenges and goals, before mapping them to the right solutions. We work with technology companies to develop case studies and cost-benefit analyses to demonstrate their value.


Technical Capability

Weighing up different agtech solutions and connectivity options can be complex. We work to demystify these technologies, breaking down concepts into understandable terms, and providing training and guides.


Trusted intermediaries such as agronomists, industry organisations, grower groups and consultants are incorporated within the adoption journey to assist with the practical application of technologies.


Limited Global Transfer

Many farmers may feel  disconnected from global advancements in agtech, with limited resources to research what’s out there and working. 


The TEKFARM platform is a global initiative that is connected to a global network of solutions. We identify, introduce and establish a number of carefully selected high-quality companies for the Australian market through our Land x Launch programs.

Keep up to date with TEKFARM News!

Our Partners

With support from the Future Drought Fund and our collaboration partners we can deliver a step-change in the adoption of drought resilience technologies, by making agtech more approachable, practical and globally connected.

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