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Drone Hand - Edward Barraclough

Hone Program 2

8 May 2023

Drone Hand - Edward Barraclough


Edward is the son of a sheep and cattle farmer, based in Victoria and runs a small business with his wife in the Latrobe Valley. Outside of this, his attention is working with drone technology as a videographer and photographer. Adapting drones to family farming interests and a genuine desire to improve farming efficiencies led Edward to consider the use of AI linked to versatile and mobile technology. With a vast array of technology available to professionals, amateurs and enthusiasts he is pursuing livestock monitoring via a software solution “Autonomous Flight App” that incorporates image recognition that will have broad application and appeal for end users and their technology of choice. Edward has found, from experience and observation, livestock farmers are required to check their assets, infrastructure and livestock regularly regardless of the landscape accessibility or condition of livestock. More specifically livestock monitoring primarily relies on counting stock manually, either as an ‘eye-ball count’ or by using a gated race. Drone-Hand was conceived as a technology based ‘farm-hand in the sky’.

Hone Journey

Over the course of the Hone Program Edward was able to prioritise key platform development needs, allowing Drone-Hand to advance from a conceptual phase towards MVP. Software/AI use for remote operations solutions is operational in other industries however deep innovative application in AgriTech as intended by Drone-Hand is not yet apparent. Progress towards an MVP was achieved through an extensive search for the right technology partners and complementary AI development Labs. Drone-Hands core value proposition and product solutions have been translated into a mandate to simplify operations via the platform MVP and this is progressing well with multiple partners available to progress and support the MVP development.

Utilising machine learning, we locate, identify & classify

What's Next?

In collaboration with multiple companies, suppliers, manufactures, industry groups and media outlets, Drone-Hand is planning to roll out an initial subscription based platform release in the 1st Qtr of 2024. ‘Drone in a Box’ trials and alternative industry applications are anticipated around the 3rd Qtr 2024. Drone-Hand is progressing initial funding for prototyping and ongoing R&D as it advances towards releasing its platform. The company is continuing to seek interested producers to trial and provide feedback. It is also continuing to broaden its networking in AI and AgriTech developers as well as like minded industries that are complementary to its short and medium term vision.

Program Partners

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